Barton Lending Library
Reading and Spelling System
Welcome to our Barton lending library. Following the vision of the late Trudy Bortz, BVKID is proud to lend Barton materials for BVSD parents to use with their children. Each level kit contains training DVDs, tiles, and other materials for that level.
For more information or questions about the Barton lending library–Trudy’s Project, please contact Wendi Kirkpatrick at
“I try to get the point across that not everybody thinks the same way. There are obvious benefits to being ‘book smart,’ but I think common sense and creativity is just as good (maybe even better).” — USA Today
Dav Pilkey
The Science is conclusive. Federal law is in place. And yet, little changes until parents band together and demand their children with dyslexia be served!
Our Dyslexic Children began principal photography in 2018. The community-funded, non-profit documentary film runs 44 minutes.
In 2010, a group of parents in a suburban school district near Columbus, Ohio, discovered their children had something in common – they could not read. They were languishing in a reading intervention program, and their dyslexia was not being identified or remediated as is required by federal law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The group banded together to form the grassroots organization Upper Arlington Kids Identified with Dyslexia (UA-KID). Together they filed a systemic group complaint with the Ohio Department of Education, and the district was found in violation of all three allegations. Then, they formed a partnership with the district and now work shoulder to shoulder to deliver the nationally recognized early literacy program they built together.
This film was made to offer a roadmap for parents to advocate on behalf of all children.
BARD - Braille and Audio Reading Download
To download books go to:
CTBL, Colorado Talking Book Library, offers books in 60 different languages with extensive categories of audiobooks and magazines. All are available for free. Audiobooks include bestsellers, classics, poetry, informational works, children’s books, and foreign language materials. You can also subscribe to more than 80 popular magazines.
Students must qualify for an account with an approved professional. Professionals include MDs, psychologists, registered nurses, public educators, social workers, counselors, TV, and certified reading specialist. A full listing of professionals is available on the website.
Students /individuals with an account can access audiobooks on the BARD app or use the player and cassettes. The player and cassettes do not require Internet access. All recordings of books and magazines available from CTBL use real human voices. Audiobooks are available in English and several other languages including Spanish. A list of all novels and magazines are available on the website at You can reach the CTBL in Denver at 303-727-9277 or at 1-800-685-2136 state wide.
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Learn more about dyslexia